
Декоративные сетки

Ginegar предлагает a wide variety of nets that can be used for shading playgrounds, swimming pools, open fields, pergolas, balconies and terraces, fixed and mobile structures.


These decorative shading nets are manufactured with special connectors for permanent installations, come with sheet widths of up to 3 meters (additional widths are available upon request), and come in a variety of shades and shade percentages.


All of our decorative shading nets are manufactured to comply with the 748 awnings for protection against UV radiation standard, which protects users against the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.

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Decorative Duble Layers

Product Name % of Light Transmision % of Light Diffusion AD Effect % of
Thin Driplock 90 20 Yes No
Driplock 205 88 60 Yes No
Driplock Clear 90 25 Yes No
Driplock Clear B 90 55 Yes No
Driplock Clear T 90 30 Yes No
Driplock Clear / 1 YR 90 25 Yes No
Driplock AV Diffused 90 55 Yes No
Driplock S. Cool 90 77 Yes No
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Lorem ipsum.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Accusantium, quaerat temporibus ipsam. Natus eum libero soluta fugit quod. Eveniet deserunt tenetur magni provident velit quia facilis quos sit esse necessitatibus!

Product Name % of Light Transmision % of Light Diffusion AD Effect % of
Thin Driplock 90 20 Yes No
Driplock 205 88 60 Yes No
Driplock Clear 90 25 Yes No
Driplock Clear B 90 55 Yes No
Driplock Clear T 90 30 Yes No
Driplock Clear / 1 YR 90 25 Yes No
Driplock AV Diffused 90 55 Yes No
Driplock S. Cool 90 77 Yes No
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made in israel