

Ginegar Nets for Modern Agriculture

Ginegar’s agricultural nets enable growers to control light transmission to the plant. Thus it creates optimal micro-climatic conditions and enhances the plant's development.

There are two different methods for manufacturing agricultural nets:


Knitting nets are manufactured using mono-oriented technology with several layer structures. They offer benefits such as enhanced mechanical properties, enhanced optic properties, retention of specific property stability during usage, and reduced CO2 omission.

They are used as sacks for storage, decorative nets, and flame-retardant nets for public places.



Woven nets are manufactured from HDPE using the most advanced extrusion methods. The molten material is used to form monofilament wires, that are processed in weaving machines.

Woven nets are used to protect against the penetration of pests (mesh nets), to reduce light intensity in growing houses and orchards (shading nets), to control the quality of light transmitted (optical properties), and to protect against wind, hail, and more.

This method is also used to manufacture thermal screens, which are used to maintain heat in greenhouses.

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