

En Ginegar, estamos comprometidos con el medio ambiente y el uso responsable de los recursos naturales, y tenemos presente este compromiso en todo lo que hacemos.
Así, hacemos todo lo posible por incorporar prácticas sostenibles en todos los aspectos de nuestros procesos empresariales y promover una cultura corporativa respetuosa con el medio ambiente en la que se aliente a los empleados a utilizar los recursos de forma razonable También trabajamos para optimizar constantemente nuestros procesos de fabricación, logística e infraestructura para operar siempre dentro de un marco sostenible.

A nivel global, promovemos la sostenibilidad ambiental centrándonos en el desarrollo de productos eficientes desde el punto de vista energético que cumplan con las regulaciones específicas de reciclabilidad del país en cuestión y que contribuyan al ahorro de energía. Por ejemplo, nuestras redes de solarización contribuyen al ahorro de energía solar y nuestras soluciones de desinfección ayudan a reducir el uso de sustancias nocivas, tales como los pesticidas. Nuestras soluciones también cumplen con las regulaciones específicas de reciclabilidad de cada país y están fabricadas a base de materiales biodegradables.

Soluciones respetuosas con el medio ambiente

More specifically, we promote environmental sustainability by focusing on developing energy-specific products that meet country-specific regulations and promote Integrated Pest Management (IPM) by:


  • Encouraging the growing of crops in greenhouses

This has a significant positive effect on the environment as it enables the production of higher yields (6 to 10 times the amount as compared to growing in open fields) with fewer resources. Growing in greenhouses helps achieve optimum growth conditions in any climactic zone – whether it be hot, cold, moderate or tropical – as compared to growing crops in open fields where climactic control is not possible. In addition, it also reduces the risks associated with sudden weather fluctuations, thus giving growers confidence and predictability all year round!


  • Biodegrable materials and recyclability

Ginegar’s solutions meet country-specific regulations for recyclability and are made of biodegradable materials.

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Gestión integrada de plagas (GIP)
  • Reduced amount of pesticides

Ginegar’s agricultural nets can be used to significantly reduce the use of pesticides (up to 50% less pesticides are required). New regulations are being introduced all the time that limit the amount of pesticides used to a predefined range, and require growers to monitor all processes and produce crops that meet certain standards in terms of size, flavor and color. Greenhouses and protected growing houses give growers the confidence to meet these market requirements and regulations.


  • Conserve and use water efficiently

Ginegar offers multiple solutions that contribute to moisture protection and water conservation by reducing evaporation and water fluctuations in soil, and helping to maintain constant humidity in the root zone.

Cover Films Recycling

Important note about treatment of agricultural waste

Agricultural waste such as cover films, pipes, hanging wires and more may be constitute an environmental hazard when not properly treated after usage.

The dumping of such agricultural waste on the periphery of fields can cause multiple environmental hazards, including soil pollution and air pollution (usually caused by the burning of such waste, which can also be a health hazard).

For this reason, after cover films are used, the agricultural waste must be collected in a designated area and then treated according to each country’s regulations.


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