
New at ginegar silobag an innovative storage solution

Resistant, practical and flexible!



SiloGar was created to store grains, silages and fodder in a safe, economical and profitable way.
Designed to preserve grains under optimal conditions at the site of harvest or storage.
Made of LDPE (low-density polyethylene) and anti-UV preservatives to ensure heightened mechanical resistance and elasticity.


SiloGar provides an anaerobic, hermetically-sealed environment that protects its inside from fungi, insects and plagues. The quality of any product is left intact thanks to SiloGar’s white outer coat that deflects sunlight, whilst its black inner layer prevents any beam from infiltrating.
This revolutionary storage method was designed to solve one of the main challenges associated with rural facilities – reduced storage room for harvested crops.
SiloGar is installed faster and requires less initial investment than any other product in the market. Easily used and extremely efficient, SiloGar is the ultimate alternative to conventional storage systems.






Excellent alternative to traditional storage methods
Lower costs per each grain-storage sack
Easy method to expand storage capacity
Lower shipping costs
Investements adjusted to production rates
Separate storage of diffetent grains inside one silobag


The products stored in SiloGar can be easily identified through conventional means, plus…
It preserves the quality and original color of grains,
Minimizes the heavy cost of leaving combines inactive for some time,
Can be quickly used for large harvests, and Is adaptable to extreme climates, whether hot or cold


The ultimate way to store





For more info ,please contact us: export@ginegar.co.il


made in israel